Group Classes
There’s no better way to get over stage fright than to put yourself in front of a crowd! Classes offer a supportive group environment designed to get you out of your comfort zone while ensuring you feel supported along the way. Our classes deal broadly with any of your speech interests. Many clients who begin with private sessions supplement with group training to practice their skills in front of an audience.
One-on-One Training
The majority of our clients pursue individual sessions once per week or every other week. You and your instructor will tailor these sessions toward a bespoke combination of services from the list below. You can start by signing up for your first session or by scheduling a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. We do not require a minimum number of sessions, as you are free to take the number of sessions that best meets your needs.
Corporate Team Training
This is for companies seeking professional development to enhance your firm’s communication. Presenting Solutions provides customizable corporate training options for group practice and individual sessions. They will work with you to design a training plan suitable for your team.
Improve Your Speech via 1-on-1 Coaching
How we help
Speech coaching enhances your speaking voice, public speaking, and communication skills. Sessions include training on executive presence, presentation skills, accent reduction, anxiety, clarity, tone, projection, breath, preparation technique, professional delivery, interpersonal communication, impromptu speaking, and many other areas. Your sessions will consist of targeted work towards your areas of interest. These need not be determined in advance of your training. During your sessions, you and your coach will assess which subjects will benefit you most based on your goals and needs.

Topics Covered in 1-on-1 Training Include:
Speaking Voice Enhancement
"My voice quivers when I speak," "Nobody hears me when I give a presentation," "I hate the sound of my voice!". These are concerns you CAN improve - with intentionality and tangible results.

Public Speaking
Learn the skills to present the most authentic and authoritative version of yourself, both when standing behind a lectern or presenting in a virtual meeting.

Cross Cultural Communication
Learn to recognize and adapt your unique speaking habits. Prevent misunderstandings by learning cultural differences in communication to enable effective and respectful interactions in all settings.

Accent Modification
We'll teach you how to produce a Standard American Dialect. You may feel that your accent limits your ability to fully express yourself.

Executive Presence
Raise confidence, refine delivery skills, and master body language to increase your presence in any room - virtual or otherwise.

Presentation Skills
Let your slideshow, webinar, or monthly report stand out from the rest by improving your ability to present with confidence and sincerity.

Virtual Communications
COVID has changed the corporate landscape, and virtual skills are as expected as in-person ones. We’ll work with you on both your setup and your virtual communication skills across video conferencing platforms.

Preparation for a Speech
Whether it’s a best man toast or a keynote engagement, we will work with you to ensure your message is delivered earnestly and effectively.

Sales Training
We’ll help you sell your services or products with authenticity, honesty, likeability, and ease.

Customer Service
Learn to speak in a professional and personable manner that will ensure customer, team, and your(!) satisfaction.

Interview Skills
Ace your interview and make them feel lucky to have you by delivering your answers with competence, conviction, credibility, and authenticity.

Impromptu Speaking
No time to prepare? Weren’t expecting that question out of left field? We’ve got you covered.

Social and Dating Coaching
A party or first date can feel more stressful than a job interview. But you can train for these things!

Group Classes
New York Speech Coaching offers a variety of group classes throughout the year. These include lectures, public speaking classes, and our open mic practice group.

Impressions / Stand up Comedy
We can’t make you funnier, but we can sure help increase your confidence and refine delivery as you try.

Voiceover / Podcast Training
Sound and feel your best behind the mic by using proper vocal technique, improving articulation, and overcoming performance anxiety.

For Actors
Vocal technique, inflection, and the ability to convey emotions are crucial to an actor’s success.

Media Training
Get camera or microphone ready with specific training to prep you for your upcoming media appearance.

Pageant Coaching
We’ll help you get pageant ready by teaching you to speak calmly and clearly on (and off) the stage.

Transgender Speech
Learn to speak with a voice commensurate with the gender with which you identify.

Dialect Coaching
We'll help you become fluent in an accent or dialect other than your own.

Speech Writing
Our writers will work with you to craft the content of your upcoming speech.

Audio / Video Production
We'll collaborate with you on your media production.

Corporate Team Training
Presenting Solutions conducts professional development training with your team to hone their presentation, leadership, and interpersonal communication skills.

As available, New York Speech Coaching offers apprenticeships to students interested in learning more about coaching with our company.

Public Speaking
We’ll help you present the best, most authentic version of yourself when speaking in public. We’ll work on projecting relaxed enthusiasm, pleasant assertiveness, and grounded vitality. We cover voice control, body language & hands, managing anxiety, and impromptu speaking.
Other New York Speech Coaching Services include:
As you can see, the services we provide are not limited by industry or medium. Our intention is to offer access to your successful self-expression regardless of circumstance and environment. We regularly tailor our service offerings to your priorities and adapt these disciplines to meet your needs.
About Speech Coaching
If you want to enhance your voice's clarity and projection, struggle with a fear of speaking in public, or if you don't love the sound of your voice, we encourage you to pursue sessions with our speech coaches.
New York Speech Coaching offers one-on-one and group sessions to help you use your voice to communicate effectively and speak with confidence. From executives, bankers, and hedge fund managers to lawyers, news anchors, professors, and actors, our team of coaches can support you and your team in your use of communication strategies across industries and platforms.
Our internationally renowned speech coaches will use our holistic approach to communication training to increase the confidence with which you express yourself, whether you're aiming to improve your business skills and executive presence or get more comfortable speaking in personal situations.
Coaching is conducted both privately and in groups. Our group and individual sessions can be tailored to incorporate any number of concepts outlined above. Based on your goals and a series of diagnostics, you and your instructor will determine the best trajectory for your training, and concepts can always be added as you go. You may, for example, begin sessions to improve general presentation skills and then realize the role of voice projection in conveying confidence, which then opens a conversation about articulation, and before you know it you’re auditioning for voiceover gigs. While our training is based on our signature method and standard curriculum, we will work with you to address specific needs that may arise throughout the process.
Can I get public speaking training online?
Even before COVID-19, we often utilized virtual services to work with clients around the world, which are just as effective as in-person sessions. We are able to pursue the same exercises regardless of medium. Further, virtual communication is an increasingly large part of the speech landscape. We can coach you virtually on strategies for both in-person and online speaking. We are able to help you address your virtual setup to ensure optimization of background, lighting, and framing. If you'd prefer face-to-face interaction, we do have in-studio training options located in the heart of New York City. We also offer corporate training with the option to come to your office. When scheduling, you will select whether you prefer in-studio or virtual training.
Where can I have in-person speech lessons?
New York Speech Coaching offers on-site speech training. You are welcome to have your session at our comfortable studios in Midtown Manhattan or we can visit your office. While many clients prefer the convenience of virtual training, we recognize the joy of being in-person and working on these personal skills in the same room.
Can I combine services in one lesson?
Absolutely! Very rarely does a lesson address only one of the services we offer. Techniques used in enhancing the speaking voice, for instance, are usually incorporated into public speaking and accent modification as well.
In the process of developing a particular skill, a client may realize the benefit of related services. Instructors work with each client to individualize lessons, including anything applicable to the client’s needs.
Once I book a session, what's the process for individual training like?
You will begin with an introductory session, during which your instructor will perform a series of diagnostic exercises and discuss your speech goals. Within that first session, you'll dive into fundamental concepts and begin with exercises based on your needs. You will usually receive notes with homework that you can use to practice after each session.
You will then book a recurring time to meet with your instructor. You may opt to schedule weekly (most common), bi-weekly, or monthly. After a period of time, you and your instructor may decide to reduce the frequency of your sessions and move to a quarterly slot, for example. The trajectory is highly personalized and specific to your needs and schedule.
How many sessions will it take to become a great speaker?
The number of sessions and length of your training is up to you; we usually recommend planning on a minimum of 5-10 sessions. An exception to this is if you need to prepare for an upcoming presentation, where 1-2 sessions may be sufficient. Most commonly people pursue speech coaching weekly for a few months before transitioning to a biweekly, monthly, or even quarterly cadence. Clients customarily work between six and thirty hours, but many get what they need in a single session or continue training for several years because they are encouraged by continued development. The choice is always yours, and depends on your base/desired level of proficiency, the amount of work done outside of class, and your affinity for the work. We will always strive to get results as efficiently as we can.
Will my company cover the cost of speech coaching?
Often yes! We work regularly with companies that are committed to investing in their employees’ improvement. Commonly all it takes is asking a supervisor or HR representative, and we can submit a proposal for their approval.